CASI Reporting

Advice current as of Crisisworks 4.31.8


Councils can use the Crisisworks Recovery module to assist with their obligations under their Community Connector role. Crisisworks supports DHHS’ “CASI” reporting requirements by making use of some key fields, lookups, usage conventions and search queries and reports.

Under the CASI program, councils are “Community Connectors” and are referred help seekers, and also receive direct help requests from the community.

Council can use Crisisworks Recovery to manage these cases, and will add Recovery Tasks to Track needs and tasks.

Reports and CQL searches can be used to generate the required CASI statistics that all councils need to report each fortnight.


Community Connector

Councils are Community Connectors

Help Seekers

Help Seekers are [Applicants / Affected Contacts]



Note 1 : Referral Source & Referral Date

  • BEFORE doing any reports you MUST ensure that all records have a referral source, as we are using the referral Date for many of the searches.
    In the case search box search for referralSource.value:none
    Then edit set each case to have a referral source and make sure the referral Date is correct (be careful default to the current date)

Note 2: Counting all case contacts or Primary contacts ?

  • The examples below show queries that will search all people linked to the case. When you see an advanced search like (recoveryCasesAppliedFor.referralDate:>now-14d OR recoveryCasesRelatedTo.referralDate:>now-14d) this is searching for Primary contacts (formally applicants) or other case contacts if you only want the primary contacts use recoveryCasesAppliedFor.referralDate:>now-14d instead
    Also if you only want to count a single case as ONE help seeker then you will need to count the cases only, we are assuming you will be counting the Primary contacts or possibly all people in the case






Number of help seekers (ring central hotline)  referred to the Community Connector(Council) by the Community Support Phone line this fortnight 

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Option A: Report - Recovery Affected Contacts

  • Select “Primary Referral Source” = State control Centre

  • Enter Referral Start Date

Option B: copy/paste the CQL below into search field of the Needs and Tasks Datagrid

recoveryCase.referralDate:>now-14d AND recoveryCase.referralSource.value:scc

  • You will need to select the items returned and click the Export to Report button. Choose the “Needs and Tasks with detailed Case data” option.

  • When the repot has completed, you can export to Excel. This report shows one line for each Needs and Task item created for a case so the case may be duplicated. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this and only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.


Number of help seekers who entered the Community Connector function from within the LGA this fortnight 

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Option A: Report - Recovery Affected Contacts

  • Select “Primary Referral Source” = Self Referred (if this is what is set for Council referrals)

  • Enter Referral Start Date

Option B: copy/paste the CQL below into search field of the Needs and Tasks Datagrid

recoveryCase.referralDate:>now-14d AND recoveryCase.referralSource.value:self-referred

You will need to select the items returned and click the Export to Report button. Choose the “Needs and Tasks with detailed Case data” option.

  • When the repot has completed, you can export to Excel. This report shows one line for each Needs and Task item created for a case so the case may be duplicated. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this and only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.

This displays all tasks with cases referred within the last 14 days where the referral source is self-referred (if that is what council referred is)


Number of help seekers referred to the Community Connector function in the last fortnight who were offered supports 

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Option A: Report - Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data

This will only show Cases that have a Needs and Task record associated with it.

Note: if more than one Needs and Task is created for a case it will display a record for each Needs and Task. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this by seeing if it shows up more than once. Only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.

  • Enter Referral Start Date

  • Look at field Primary Contact Count (for each Case ID)

Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Needs & Tasks Datagrid.


  • You will need to select the items returned and click the Export to Report button. Choose the “Needs and Tasks with detailed Case data” option.

  • When the repot has completed, you can export to Excel. This report shows one line for each Needs and Task item created for a case so the case may be duplicated. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this and only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.



Number of help seekers who accepted supports

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Option A: Report - Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data

  • Enter Referral Start Date

  • Can Export to Excel and look at Need/Task Provisioning Status and remove the records set to Not Required or No Action Required

  • Look at field Primary Contact Count

Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Needs & Tasks Datagrid

recoveryCase.referralDate:>now-14d AND status.code:[requested,in-progress,referred,provided,referred-and-resolved]

  • You will need to select the items returned and click the Export to Report button. Choose the “Needs and Tasks with detailed Case data” option.

  • When the repot has completed, you can export to Excel. This report shows one line for each Needs and Task item created for a case so the case may be duplicated. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this and only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.


Number of help seekers who have had their final check-in with the Community Connector this fortnight

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Option A: Report - Recovery Affected Contacts

  • Select Case Status: Closed

  • Enter Referral Date

Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Persons Datagrid
recoveryCasesAppliedFor.dateClosed::>now-14d OR recoveryCasesRelatedTo.dateClosed::>now-14d

This will show all Primary Contacts and related Contacts. If you want to show only Primary Contacts then just use:





Number of help seekers who were connected to practical support this fortnight eg. help to collect shopping, mobile devices loaned

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Option A: Report Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data. -

  • Select Referral Date

  • Can look at Need/Task Category field for appropriate categories and filter in Excel output. Alternatively can choose a a category in filter one at a time.

  • Count in the new column Primary Contact Count
    Note - these are primary contacts only

Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Needs & Tasks Datagrid

recoveryCase.referralDate:>now-14d AND category.value:[pet-food,sanitary-items,transport]
Note - you can add additional categories that you feel are part of practical support by adding them inside the square brackets, separated by a comma.

  • You will need to select the items returned and click the Export to Report button. Choose the “Needs and Tasks with detailed Case data” option.

  • When the repot has completed, you can export to Excel. This report shows one line for each Needs and Task item created for a case so the case may be duplicated. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this and only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.


Number of help seekers who were connected to emotional support this fortnight eg. wellbeing check-ins

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Option A: Report Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data -

  • Select Referral Date parameter.

  • Select Need/Task Category - Psycho-social support/outreach

  • Count is in the new column Primary Contact Count
    Note - these are primary contacts only.

Option B: copy/paste the CQL below into search field from the Needs & Tasks Datagrid

recoveryCase.referralDate:>now-14d AND category.value:"psycho-social-support"

  • You will need to select the items returned and click the Export to Report button. Choose the “Needs and Tasks with detailed Case data” option.

  • When the repot has completed, you can export to Excel. This report shows one line for each Needs and Task item created for a case so the case may be duplicated. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this and only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.


Number of help seekers who were connected to social activities this fortnight eg. book clubs, fitness groups

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Note - a new category called Social Activities has been added for this metric.

Option A: Report Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data -

  • Select Referral Date parameter.

  • Select Need/Task Category - Social Activities

  • Count is in the new column Primary Contact Count
    Note - these are primary contacts only.

Option B: copy/paste the CQL below into search field from the Needs & Tasks Datagrid

recoveryCase.referralDate:>now-14d AND category.value:"social-activities"

  • You will need to select the items returned and click the Export to Report button. Choose the “Needs and Tasks with detailed Case data” option.

  • When the repot has completed, you can export to Excel. This report shows one line for each Needs and Task item created for a case so the case may be duplicated. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this and only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.



Number of help seekers connected to formal supports outside the CASI initiative (e.g. food relief)

See note above Re Referral Source & Referral Date

Option A: Report Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data. -

  • Select Referral Date

  • Can look at Need/Task Category field for appropriate categories and filter in Excel output. Alternatively can choose a a category in filter one at a time.

  • Count in the new column Primary Contact Count
    Note - these are primary contacts only

Option B: copy/paste the CQL below into search field from the Needs & Tasks Datagrid

recoveryCase.referralDate:>now-14d AND category.value:[food-relief]

Note - you can add additional categories to the CQL by adding them inside the square bracket and separated by a comma.

  • You will need to select the items returned and click the Export to Report button. Choose the “Needs and Tasks with detailed Case data” option.

  • When the repot has completed, you can export to Excel. This report shows one line for each Needs and Task item created for a case so the case may be duplicated. You will need to look at the Case ID to determine this and only count the Primary Contact Count for each Case ID.






Number of help seekers who received supports within 3 business days of referral to the Community Connector function

Report Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data

  • Can export to Excel and look at the Case Referral Date all of the the Needs and Task Status' which are NOT “Not Required”.

  • In Excel can compare Status Dates to the Case Referral Date (ie Need/Task Date Provided) and see which dates are less than or equal to 3 business days. You will need to factor in weekend dates for this.

NOT status:Not-Required


Number of help seekers who received supports after 3 business days of referral to the Community Connector function

Report Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data

  • Can export to Excel and look at the Case Referral Date and the Needs and Task Category not “Not Required”.

  • In Excel can compare Status Dates to the Case Referral Date (ie Need/Task Date Provided) and see which dates are greater than 3 business days. You will need to factor in weekend dates for this.


Number of help seekers who did not receive a call back within 1 business day from being referred from the Community Support Phone line


Report Recovery Needs and Tasks with Case Data

  • Select Need/Task Category - Phone Call

  • Export to Excel and can compare Status Dates to the Case Referral Date (ie Need/Task Date Provided) and see which dates are equal to and less than 1 business day





Number of help seekers aged over 65

Option A: Report Recovery Affected Contacts

  • Enter Referral Date if wanting a date range for the report

  • Can export to Excel and look at field Affected Contact Age and filter for ages > 65


Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Persons Datagrid


If wanting to show help seekers just for the past fortnight you can add:(recoveryCasesAppliedFor.referralDate:>now-14d OR recoveryCasesRelatedTo.referralDate:>now-14d) AND age:>65

See note above Re: Counting all case contacts or Primary contacts


Number of help seekers born overseas

Option A: Report Recovery Affected Contacts

  • Enter Referral Date if wanting a date range for the report

  • Can export to Excel and look at field Affected Contact born in Australia and filter by No values.

Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Persons Datagrid


If wanting help seekers just for the past fortnight you can add:(recoveryCasesAppliedFor.referralDate:>now-14d OR recoveryCasesRelatedTo.referralDate:>now-14d) AND bornInAustralia.value:no
See note above Re: Counting all case contacts or Primary contacts


Number of help seekers who speak a language other than English at home


The recovery applicant has Language (if a translator is required)

which is a different question, ensure that the data entry for COVID is for this intended purpose

Option A: Report Recovery Affected Contacts

  • Enter Referral Date if wanting a date range for the report

  • Can export to Excel and look at field Language (translator needed) where it’s not empty

Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Persons Datagrid


If wanting to show help seekers just for the past fortnight you can add:(recoveryCasesAppliedFor.referralDate:>now-14d OR recoveryCasesRelatedTo.referralDate:>now-14d) AND language.value:any

See note above Re: Counting all case contacts or Primary contacts


Number of help seekers who identify as having a disability

Option A: Report Recovery Affected Contacts

  • Enter Referral Date if wanting a date range for the report

  • Can export to Excel and look at field “Affected Contact identifies as having a disability” where the value is Yes

Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Persons Datagrid


If wanting to show help seekers just for the past fortnight you can add:(recoveryCasesAppliedFor.referralDate:>now-14d OR recoveryCasesRelatedTo.referralDate:>now-14d) AND disability.value:yes
See note above Re: Counting all case contacts or Primary contacts


Number of help seekers who identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.

Option A: Report Recovery Affected Contacts

  • Enter Referral Date if wanting a date range for the report

  • Can export to Excel and look at field “Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin” where the value is Yes

Option B: copy/paste theCQL below into search field from the Persons Datagrid


If wanting to show help seekers just for the past fortnight you can add:(recoveryCasesAppliedFor.referralDate:>now-14d OR recoveryCasesRelatedTo.referralDate:>now-14d) AND ATSI.value:yes

See note above Re: Counting all case contacts or Primary contacts