Providing agency EMLOs with read-only access to recovery data

Providing agency EMLOs with read-only access to recovery data

As of Crisisworks 4.4, a new built-in security policy is available to provide read-only access to users.

Crisisworks grants permissions on a per-position basis, so you must first identify which position you wish to grant this access. Common examples include Red Cross, DHHS, DELWP, VCC and DEDJTR.

To grant this access:

  1. As an administrator, first log onto Crisisworks
  2. Go to Settings > Positions
  3. Select the position you wish to grant access
  4. Select the policy you wish to grant based on the following table — recommended is "Recovery Read Only Assigned"
  5. Click save

The following policies grant read only recovery data

Policy NameDescription
Recovery Coordination

NOT RECOMMENDED Provides full read, write and coordination access to recovery data

Recovery Officer

NOT RECOMMENDED Provides full read access, with write access to assigned recovery data

Recovery Limited

Provides read/write access to cases created by the user

Recovery Limited with New Case Creation

Provides read/write access to cases created by the user, and can create new cases

Recovery Read Only Assigned

Provides read only access to assigned cases