Using Date and Time Fields

Using Date and Time Fields

Date and time fields allow convenient ways of entering dates and times in various formats. You can type your desired date/time in one of the formats shown below, and Crisisworks will convert it into a fully formatted date or time when you leave the field.

For example, enter a time into the field:

and when you leave the field, it will automatically convert into the computed date and time:

You can always go back into the field to change it if the computed timestamp isn't what you expected.

Examples of formats are:

Absolute date and time format

1/4/17 10:00
1/4/2017 10:00
5 pm

Relative day

last monday, last mon
last tuesday, last tues, last tue
last wednesday, last wed
last thursday, last thu, last thur, last thurs
last friday, last fri
last saturday, last sat
last sunday, last sun
next monday, next mon
next tuesday, next tues, next tue
next wednesday, next wed
next thursday, next thu, next thur, next thurs
next friday, next fri
next saturday, next sat
next sunday, next sun

Addition (in the future)

+1h, +1hr, +1 h, +1 hr, +1 hour, +2 hours, +2hrs
+1m, +1min, +1 m, +1 minute, +1 min, +2 minutes, +20 minutes, +20mins
+1d, +1 d, +1 day, +2 days
+1w, +1 w, +1 week, +2 weeks
+1M, +1 M, +1 month, +2 months
+1y, +1 y, +1 year, +2 years

Subtraction (in the past)

-1h, -1hr, -1 h, -1 hr, -1 hour, -2 hours, -2hrs
-1m, -1min, -1 m, -1 minute, -1 min, -2 minutes, -20 minutes, -20mins
-1d, -1 d, -1 day, -2 days
-1w, -1 w, -1 week, -2 weeks
-1M, -1 M, -1 month, -2 months
-1y, -1 y, -1 year, -2 years

When adding 'today' to a search filter, it usually defaults to the current date and time. If you want to include the current day's records in your search results, you should change the time to 00:00, for example 06/09/2018 00:00 which is midnight on the 6th September 2018.

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