GERF Payment Application : Cheat Sheet / Trouble shooting

GERF Payment Application : Cheat Sheet / Trouble shooting


The synchronisation of a GERF payment application from the council’s Crisisworks to GERF is only triggered when certain conditions are met, otherwise the application will not be sent.

This is a quick checklist of key things to look at when syncing GERF is not working; for a detailed overview, please refer to this documentation page.

How do I know that it has worked?

The following fields are automatically set and GERF-Application ID will appear as soon as the data is received by the GERF system, so you don't need to contact GERF staff to ask them if they have received it.

The GERF Payment Status and GERF Amount Paid will be updated autmatically when GERF processes the application.

How often does it Sync to GERF HQ

Every 60 mins


What to check for if it is not Syncing


  • The case’s property classification MUST be “Residential - Primary” or “Commercial, Industrial or Business”

  • The Task status is set to Referred

  • The Task Category field set to GERF-Payment

  • Add a Task GERF Payment Type and ensure that the payment type relates to the correct GERF event

    image (5).png

  • Other Gerf Task fields entered like Bank account Details

  • The task’s “Approved by MRM” checkbox set by the MRM

Please also ensure there is an email address (and mobile if possible) for the applicant as this helps with their electronic notification