Generating Reports

Generating Reports

Crisisworks includes a Reporting system which displays your data in a table format that supports filtering, grouping and ordering. Crisisworks reports are available for all modules and registers and allows export to formats such as Excel or CSV.

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How to generate a report

Reports can be generated from 2 locations:

  1. By clicking the Export to Report action from supported Datagrids 
  2. By navigating to the Reports system

Generating a quick report from a Datagrid 

You can generate a quick report from any supported Datagrid. 

  1. Navigate to a datagrid and select one or more items in the datagrid. You can also use the select all feature to export all records in the filter.
  2. Next, click the Export Items to Report button at the bottom of the pageOn the following screen you can 
    1. configure the columns to include in your export
    2. group the data by a column
    3. order the data by a column
  3. Press Run Report to run the report
  4. When the report has finished, it will show on screen. Scroll to the bottom of the report and click the Export to Excel or Export to CSV button to export the data.

Generating a report via the Reports system

In addition to the quick reports available from the Datagrid, Crisisworks also contains a number of additional reports.

Step 1: From the Overview menu, click on Reports

Step 2: On the Left Hand side you will see a breakdown of report folders. Depending on your security level, you will only see folders for reports that you have permission to run.  On the right hand side you will see the report list. To filter for certain reports, you can click on the folders to only display these type of reports.

Step 3: To generate a report, click on the name of a report in the right hand side. The next screen will display some general information about the report.

  1. Click on the Generate Report button
  2. Each report has different filters that are relevant to the report. 
  3. Configure the appropriate options for your report.
    1. Scroll down and choose which fields you would like to see on your report. The default fields have already been selected but you can remove any fields or add fields that are not selected by default.
    2. If you wish to group your report by a field, you can choose this in the Group By area by selecting the appropriate field. When you group by a field, it creates a heading for this field on the report and lists the items below it. It may be useful to group your report by Event or Tags.
    3. You can choose to order your report by a field by selecting a field under the Order By heading.
  4. Press Run Report to run the report.
  5. When the report has finished, it will show on screen. Scroll to the bottom of the report and click the Export to Excel or Export to CSV button to export the data.

Available Reports

The following reports are available for the modules below.  You will only see these reports if you have permission to view them.

Operations Reports

These reports are for the registers found in the Operations menu.

Information ReportA report listing information records.
Contacts ReportA report listing the contacts in your system
Request Items ReportA report listing request items
Request Resource Assignment ReportA report listing requests and their resource assignments, including any associate costs

Recovery Reports

Recovery Case Reporta report listing recovery cases including applicant and property details for the case.
Recovery Affected Contactsa report detailing affected contacts and their related recovery case information.
Recovery Agriculturea report detailing affected agriculture and its related case information.
Recovery Environmental Health Assessmentsa report detailing affected agriculture and its related case information.
Recovery Infrastructure Assessmentsa report detailing infrastructure assessments.
Recovery Livestocka report detailing affected livestock and its related recovery case information.
Recovery Private Assetsa report detailing private assets and its related case information.
Recovery Needs & Tasksa report detailing needs & tasks and their related recovery case information.
Needs & Tasks Summaryreport providing counters for needs & tasks for a nominated event and period
Summary of Damages by Asset Typedisplays the damage amounts for each asset type
Cost Per Event Summarya report detailing the cost estimates and actuals for events.
Recovery Cost Per Asset Class Summarya report summarising costs per asset class for Infrastructure Assessments
Recovery Cost Per Asset Summarya report summarising costs per asset for Infrastructure Assessments.

Resource Reports

Resources Report a report listing all resources along with their type, status and organisation.

System Administration Reports

Audit Report report providing audit action details recorded by the system for a specified time period.
Monthly Statistics of Emails & SMS's sentdisplays the monthly totals of Emails & SMSs sent for a nominated period

User Reports

Users Report 
a report detailing all Crisisworks Users.

Export to CSV for Bulk Updates and Imports

For supported modules, Crisisworks allows you to run a base report, export it to CSV, make changes to the data and then import these changes to bulk update records.

Please note - currently only users are supported. Support for additional import schemas is planned, but you can contact our service desk for assistance in the meantime.

To import users:

  • Run your report (ie Users Report)
  • Press Export to CSV. This will create a CSV file of the report.
  • Open the CSV file in Excel and make any necessary changes and save the file (ensuring it is still in CSV format).
  • Go to the Settings Menu and choose Internals
  • On the left hand side, choose Import Data. The available import types will be listed in the What do you want to import? drop down list.
  • For importing users, select User Import from CSV
  • Upload your amended CSV file
  • Press Import

See Importing and exporting users to and from Crisisworks for more information on importing users.

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