Built-in Security Policies

Built-in Security Policies

Crisisworks Security Policies are the building blocks used for creating positions, where each position comprises multiple policies. Crisisworks includes a range built-in security policies as detailed below.

This article details security policies. If you are looking for built-in positions, read the article Built-in Positions for Local Government users.

Naming conventions

The following naming conventions are in use:

  • "Coordination" — means full access to data with assignment and moving
  • "Officer" — means full access to data without assignment and moving
  • "Basic" — means limited access only to assigned events and/or records
  • "ReadOnly" — means the user cannot write or create
  • "New" — adds the ability to add a new record
  • "Special" — means a custom rule that does not fit any convention

Additionally, the following register group names are used:

  • "recovery" means all the registers in the recovery module
  • "operations" means request, message, offer, log, contact
  • "reference" means "wiki"

Built-in Security Policies

The following policies are built into most Crisisworks installations.

NameDescriptionDeveloper TagDeveloper ID
Base policies
Base User Policy

All users get this by default. Can edit own profile, and access the log and contact registers

DeveloperAccess to the policy development and system diagnostics screensBasepolicyDeveloper
Super-userSuper-user, with access to all events and all featuresBasesysAdmin
Manage Assets and ResourcesCan manage assets and resourcesBaseassetAdmin
Manage system settingsCan access all of the settings screensBasesettingsAdmin
Manage users, organisations and positionsCan manage usersBaseuserAdmin


Can view the users listBase


Event policies
Events Coordination

Full management and coordination to all events, with the power to create new events.

Event Coordination LimitedFull management and coordination to events in which the user is participating.CouncileventBasic
Events Create & ManageCan create and edit events from templates you have access toCouncileventsCreation

View Event

Can View an Events’s overview details such as positions & people on duty

Recovery policies

Recovery Coordination - full access to recovery data

Full read/write access to recovery data within involved events, with the ability to manage assignments and moving records between events.

Recovery Officer - full access to recovery data

Full read access to recovery records within involved events, and ability to edit assigned records.

Recovery AdminRecovery Admin - Full access to recovery data without ability to assign or moveCouncilrecoveryAdmin
Recovery LimitedLimited read/write access to recovery records within involved events where the data is assigned or shared.CouncilrecoveryBasic
Recovery Read OnlyAccess to all recovery records within involved events but cannot update.CouncilrecoveryReadOnly
Recovery Read Only AssignedLimited read-only access to recovery records within involved events where the data is assigned or shared.CouncilrecoveryBasicReadOnly
Recovery Limited with New CaseAdds the ability to create new recovery cases and associated sub-records. Note: this needs a read-write policy such as recoveryBasic as well.CouncilrecoveryBasicNewCase
Operations (Request, Information) 
Operations Coordination

Full read/write access to operations data within involved events, with the ability to manage assignments and moving records between events.

Operations Officer

Can edit all requests, can not assign or add resources

Can view and edit all Contacts

Can view and edit all Information and Log records: Can edit records they create

Operations AdminAccess items in participating events, can update all but not assign or move.CounciloperationsAdmin
Operations Limited

Limited read/write access to requests within involved events only where the data is assigned, and limited read-only access to information within involved events where the data has been shared, or where the user is the author.

Can view and edit Log items Items they have created.
Can view and edit Contacts in events they have access to

Operations Read OnlyCan view all operations items in participating events but cannot updateCounciloperationsOfficerReadOnly
Operations Read Only AssignedLimited read-only access to operations records within involved events only where the data is assigned or shared.CounciloperationsBasicReadOnly

Offers Coordination

Full read/write access to offers within involved events, with the ability to manage assignments and move records between events.

Offers OfficerFull read access to offers within involved events, with the ability to edit and re-assign data that is assigned.CouncilofferOfficer
Offers LimitedLimited read/write access to offers within involved events only where the data is assignedCouncilofferBasic
Offers Read Only AssignedCan view offers they have been assignedCouncilofferBasicReadOnly
Log CoordinationCan see and edit all LogsCouncillogCoordination
Log OfficerCan see and edit all LogsCouncillogOfficer
Log Read OnlyCan see all logs but not updateCouncillogReadOnly

Information CoordinationCan see and edit all information items.CouncilmessageCoordination
Information OfficerCan see all information items and update own.CouncilmessageOfficer
Information BasicRead/write access to information items created by or assigned to the user.CouncilmessageBasic
Library (previously 'reference')

Library OfficerFull read/write access to reference items in involved eventsCouncilreferenceOfficer
Library AccessFull read access to reference items in involved eventsCouncilreferenceAccess
Special Policies

Manage ResourcesCan view and edit resourcesCouncilspecialResourceManager
Resource AssignmentCan assign resources within the request formCouncilspecialResourceAssignment
Send Announcements and SMS'sCan send announcements from the Information registerCouncilspecialAnnouncer
Finance AccessCan access the finance module, if licensed.CouncilspecialFinance
Publish & Promote items

Can publish “Promote” items to the Dashboard

Access to recovery analyticsAccess to the reports in folder “Recovery reports"CouncilanalyticsRecovery
Access to operations analyticsAccess to the reports in folder “Operations Reports"CouncilanalyticsOperations

Access to offers analytics

Access to the reports in folder “Offers Reports"

Access to base analytics data

Can access the analytics system and the base system reports.

Access to system analyticsAccess to the reports in folder “System Administration Reports"BaseanalyticsSystem

Access to Resource analytics

Access to the reports in folder “Resource Reports"BaseanalyticsResources
Public User Policy

This is a special policy used for the general public to submit new forms into Crisisworks.

 - Do not use this unless directed by Datalink to do so


VPR Coordinator

Council only Position Gives VPR Access and Coordination Access.

Will not work for users that aren’t from Council Organisation.

VPR Access

Council only Position Gives VPR Access.

Will not work for users that aren’t from Council Organisation.


Access to own Roster Availability

Provides users an ability to view and edit their own availability records for the rostering system.

This is enabled by default for all new positions.

Roster CoordinatorProvides full access to manage rosters, view and edit availability and generate reports.BaserosterCoordinator
Roster AccessProvides read-only access to the roster user interface.BaserosterAccess

Fire Prevention AdministratorFull access to the FPN Registers with bypass workflow accessFPNfpnAdministrator
Fire Prevention CoordinationFull access to the FPN RegistersFPNfpnCoordination
Fire Prevention Officer AccessAccess all FPN items in participating events. Can Edit assigned itemsFPNfpnBasic
Fire Prevention Read OnlyLimited read-pnly access to FPN items in participating eventsFPNfpnApiReadOnly
Fire Prevention Assigned Task AccessCan access assigned FPN TasksFPNfpnTaskOnly
Fire Prevention Create & Manage EventsCan manage and create FPN eventsFPNmanageFpnEvents
Access to FPN analyticsAccess to the reports in folder 'FPN Reports'FPNanalyticsFpn
Route Tracking

Provides ability to create a

Register Permissions Glossary

When viewing configured register security permissions, the following access options are available.


Can access the register

The user can see the register in navigation

Can access a set of items

The user can view lists of items in data grids and lists

Can indirectly update an item

Can edit items that are embedded in sub-forms

Can directly see the register in the user interface

Controls whether this register is included user interfaces such as navigation

Can directly view an item

Can view a full item record in the UI and via the API

Can directly create an item

This controls the "New" button on the UI, and allows top-level items to be created

Can directly edit an item

Controls the "Edit button on the UI, and disallows top-level edits to items

Can assign an item

Can assign items to users, positions and resources

Can add a comment to an item

Can add a note to be added to the history of a record using the yellow comment box

Can move an item between events

Can move items between events including global workspace events.

Can see the unassigned counter

Can see the counter for non-assigned, active records

Can create an item without Register Workflow Restrictions

Can bypass workflow states to set any status code at any time

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