Crisisworks 4.6 Released

Crisisworks 4.6 Released

Today the first public release of Crisisworks 4.6 landed for all customers (4.6.4).

This release paves the way to offer some advanced new functionality to customers via new modules, including a new rostering capability, new capabilities for integration (including weather monitoring with BOM), and templating and notification improvements. Speak to us to learn more about these optional features.

Crisisworks 4.6 contains the following improvements.

Rostering Module

A new module is available that manages rostering across teams and shifts for Crisisworks Events.

  • Users can manage their availability to work within events
  • A drag-and-drop user interface allows administrators to quickly construct shifts, and to allocate users to shifts based on their availability
  • Reporting and two-way import/export allows for data sharing and bulk management of rostering and availability

Exports, Imports and Reporting

  • A new import and export facility allows for two-way exports and imports of the user database. This allows for bulk management of users via spreadsheets, as well as data sharing between systems.
  • Vicmap importing has been streamlined and will be more regular in 2017 for Victorian council customers
  • Rostering reports are available
  • Improved asset importing now makes it easier to set up and process repeat imports from customers

Information register improvements

  • The various types of information have been unified to make them more consistent and easy to use — this includes Information, Situation Report, Incident Action Plan (SMEACS) and Feature of Interest. 
  • Publishing of information items has been overhauled, and is now easier to manage and more consistent across screens.
  • After selecting 'Publish to participants by email and SMS' and saving the record, Crisisworks will send the messages, and then reset the state of this checkbox to prevent subsequent saves to the record from re-sending notifications. If you want to publish it again to recipients, re-check the box and the recipient list from earlier will be recalled.

Template improvements

With Crisisworks 4.6 we've made numerous advancements to our templating system.

  • When creating an event template, information items can be created with recipients specified and 'Publish to participants by email and SMS' checked. When a new event is created based on that template, the information item will be copied, and a message will be sent to those recipients. This is a great way to notify people of a new event being created.
  • Information items can be saved in Not Current state in which case no notifications will be sent to recipients. This can be used to stage messages for later broadcast 

 API improvements

  • It's now possible to automate the creation of events from a third party system
  • Crisisworks now supports monitoring of weather from the BOM, which can be configured to create events automatically based on weather thresholds being met.

Quality and performance improvements

  • Performance when logging in has been vastly improved. In some cases, power users found a significant time delay logging into Crisisworks, and this has now been resolved.
  • Form technology improvements and fixes have been made to the web and mobile apps
  • Going off duty and signing out now removes all participation links to events, and this cleans up slower user experiences from power users
  • Lookup lists across the system now only show active records (e.g. resource pick lists will hide inactive resources)
  • Fixed "100%" option in the Request form's progress field from appearing where it should not
  • Fixed cascading of assets down to tasks for fire prevention notices
  • Various minor tweaks and fixes to Crisisworks has been made based on user feedback via our service desk