Modifying lists using Lookups

Modifying lists using Lookups

As an administrator you can create or modify options for lookup lists (also called drop-down lists, list boxes or picklists) such as categories. These are specific to your Crisisworks site.

It is also possible, where configured, to have mutli-level categories or lookups.

The Lookups Register

The Lookups register contains all the options available in Crisisworks lists.

To view these lookups, go to the Administration menu and choose Settings.

Click on the Lookups link on the left hand side. This will display all of the lookups in the entire Crisisworks system.

You will need to filter the records by category to see the lookups for a specific list (see Finding Lookups).

Adding a Lookup

In our example, we will create a new option for the Expertise Subcategory of Qualifications: “Emergency Management Professional” (the pick list for which is shown below).

To add a new lookup, in Administration > Settings > Lookups, use the “New Lookup” button (this can only be done from the within Administration by an administrator).

Select the Category for the lookup (in this case “Expertise Sub-Category”).

The Label is what appears as the option for the user to select.

The Value is the internal system identification name for the lookup and should be readable but without capitals or spaces. The Value field supports recording responses that are either qualitative (worded for the user) or quantitative (numeric - system for reporting/calculations).

In order for your new option to appear Active must be ticked (this is the default status of the record).

Note: In Crisisworks v4, this change will not be visible for users immediately. If you need it to be visible straight away users will need to Reload Form Definitions via their user profile to refresh all of the lists in their Crisisworks. This is not necessary in Crisisworks v5 as this happens automatically when you save.

Finding Lookups

To modify a record you must first locate it within the Lookups Register.

You can add a filter to view lists for only the modules and lists you want to see. 

You can do this by clicking on the magnifying glass in the top left, to the right of the word Lookups. This will show you a list of fields you can filter by.

Where there are multiple lists in a module, categories are typically prefixed by the module.

For example "Expertise Sub-Category" from the Category drop down list shows all lookups associated with this list.


Note: Categories are sometimes given technical names that don’t exactly match the label of the list and it may be difficult to locate which list is affected unless you know what you’re looking for. You can always contact Help Desk if you’re trying to find the category name for a specific field or list.

You can also search by the Value or Label and Active or Inactive records.

Use the green Apply button to apply the filter.

Editing a Lookup

You can modify a lookup by clicking on the ID or Label of the Lookup in the data grid.

System records may not be able to be modified as they are essential to the functioning of the system and will be clearly marked as such both on the data grid and in edit mode of the record.

Administrator defined lookups, however, can be modified.

Take care when changing the Label or Value as it may affect reporting if previous entries were recorded when they were different. In such cases, it may be preferable to deactivate the Lookup and create a new Lookup record instead.

Deactivating a Lookup

Lookups cannot be deleted as there may be data in the system that is associated with them. However you can deactivate one that is no longer used. This will hide it from the lists preventing users from selecting the option.

To deactivate a Lookup:

  1. Find the Lookup by filtering the data grid (as described above)

  2. Edit it

  3. Remove the tick from Active

  4. Save

Reactivating a Lookup

Deactivated lookups can be reused and re-added to lists. This is more often preferable to creating a new duplicate record.

To Reactivate a lookup:

  1. Find the Lookup by filtering the data grid (as described above), using the Active filter of “Is not active”.

  2. Edit it

  3. Add a tick next to Active

  4. Save

Multi-Level Categories

It is not currently possible in Crisisworks v4 to create category hierarchies, though parent and child categories (such as the Expertise example above) can be set-up and configured by the Crisisworks Help Desk.

For these types of records it is important that a parent category has at least one sub-category.

List of Available Categories

The following is a non-exhaustive list of categories available in Crisisworks along with their description.

New lists may be added in new releases or with newly developed modules.

Category Name




Category Name




Mecc Position


A selectable list of positions used in Victorian councils.

“Municipal Emergency Management Officer”

Contact: Classification


A selectable list that can be used to classify/add contacts in a list. Appears in the Workflow section of Contact records.

“External Distribution”

Expertise Category

Operations > Contacts

Operations > Expertise

A selectable high level grouping of expertise types for Contacts. List appears when adding Expertise to Contacts.


Expertise Sub-Category

Operations > Contacts

Operations > Expertise

A selectable list of expertises for contacts. List appears when adding Expertise to Contacts.

“Apply First Aid” (under “Qualifications”)

Expertise Level of Proficiency

Operations > Contacts

Operations > Expertise

A selectable list of proficiency levels for contacts in an Expertise. List appears when adding Expertise to Contacts.


Payment Application : Property Use

Administration > Emergency Relief Fund

A selectable list of Property Uses. Usually but not always aligns with Property Uses in Recovery Case.

“Residential - Primary”

Roster: Availability Shifts

Administration > Rostering

A selectable list of shifts for Rostering. Appears when viewing or adding people to a Roster.

“Morning 8am-12pm”

Offer: Category

Operations > Offers

A selectable list of Offer categories. Appears when adding an Offer.


Offer: Sub-Category

Operations > Offers

A selectable list of Offer Sub-categories. Appears when adding an Offer.

“Short Term Accommodation”
(sub-category of “Accommodation”)

Offer: Work Area

Operations > Offers



Permit: CFA Brigade

Operations > Permits

A selectable list of local CFA Brigades. Appears in the Permits when entering a Permit to Burn.


Permit Type

Operations > Permits

A selectable list of Permit types. Must be accompanied by a schema for each permit form.

“Permit to Burn”

Recovery: Language

Recovery > Persons

A selectable list of spoken languages if a translator/intepreter is required.


Recovery: Relation to Primary Contact

Recovery > Persons

A selectable list of types of relationships that people can have to another person.

“Parent, Guardian or Carer”

Recovery: Affected Livestock Category

Recovery > Livestock

A selectable list of types of livestock.


Recovery: Private Asset Category

Recovery > Private Assets

A selectable list of asset categories for private assets.


Recovery: Private Asset Type

Recovery > Private Assets

A selectable list of sub-categories for private assets.

(sub-category of “Structure”)

Recovery: Applicant’s relationship to property

Recovery > Private Assets*

A selectable list of relationships to the property a primary contact can have


Recovery: Immediate Need Category

Recovery > Needs & Tasks

A selectable list of needs for case tasks including referrals.


Recovery: Infrastructure Repair

Recovery > Infrastructure

A selectable list of types of infrastructure repair

“Grade Road”

Recovery: Agriculture Types

Recovery > Agriculture

A selectable list of different agriculture (crop) types


Recovery: Relief Centres

Recovery > Relief Registration

Recovery > Persons

A selectable list of local relief or evacuation centres


Recovery: Property Type

Recovery > Private Asset

A selectable list of different property categories


Recovery: Property Damage

Recovery > Private Asset

Recovery > Infrastructure

A selectable list of damage gradings

“Partially Destroyed”

Recovery: Case Relationship to Property

Recovery > Private Assets

A selectable list of relationships to the property a primary contact can have


Recovery: Infrastructure Type

Recovery > Infrastructure

A selectable list of types of infrastructure


Recovery: Case Referral Source

Recovery > Case

A selectable list of referral sources for the case (if created by an external source)

“Red Cross”

Recovery: Case Classification

Recovery > Case

A selectable list of classifications. These function similarly to Crisisworks tags but must be created by an administrator.


Recovery: Relief Registration Type

Recovery > Relief Registration

A selectable list of relief registration types. There are two built-in types, “Emergency Relief Centre” and “Leave Early”.


Item: Geospatial Category

Library > Library Items

A selectable list of geospatial categories for geospatial library categories.

“Area of Interest”

“Council Facility”

Request: Cost Recovery Method

Operations > Request

A selectable list of methods for cost recovery, for example authorisation roles


Weed: Weed Species

Inspections > Weed & Pest Assessments

A selectable list of weed species.


Weed: Percentage Cover

Inspections > Weed & Pest Assessments

A selectable list of ranges of % cover for weed inspections


Weed: Treatment Method

Inspections > Weed & Pest Assessments

A selectable list of weed treatment methods.

“Spot Spray”

Weed: Chemical

Inspections > Weed & Pest Assessments

A selectable list of weed treatment chemicals used.


Weed: Wind Direction

Inspections > Weed & Pest Assessments

A selectable list of wind directions. Preset as cardinal and intercardinal compass headings.


Weed: Wind Speed

Inspections > Weed & Pest Assessments

A selectable list of wind speed ranges. Preset as ranges in Kilometres Per Hour (KPH) format in increments of 5.


Weed: Wind Temperature

Inspections > Weed & Pest Assessments

A selectable list of wind temperature ranges. Preset as ranges in degrees Celsius format in increments of 5.


Work Summary: Work Location

Administration > Work Summaries

A selectable list of work locations for timesheeting.

“Emergency Relief Centre”

Work Summary: Work Category

Administration > Work Summaries > Work Times

A selectable list of types of work.


Work Summary Expense: Expense Category

Administration > Work Summaries > Work Expenses

A selectable list of types of expense categories.


Work Summary Expense: Payment Method

Administration > Work Summaries > Work Expenses

A selectable list of types of payment methods for reimbursement.

“Direct Deposit”



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