For Agency Users

For Agency Users




Agency users represent funded agencies and are responsible for adding and revalidating records for a vulnerable client under their care.



Accessing the VPR

To access the VPR, enter the following URL into your device's web browser:


Note that there is no WWW at the start of the address.  

A login box will appear, where you can enter your email address and password.  

  • If you don't have a username and password, you should check whether your agency has registered.

  • If your agency has not used the system before then you can register your agency, otherwise, you should consult your Agency Coordinator to obtain your login credentials. 

  • If you are the Agency Coordinator for your agency, you can contact your local VPR Coordinator at your council to get assistance.


VPR Help and Documentation

To access the VPR, enter the following URL into your device's web browser:


Then select "Feedback & Support" in the top right hand side corner


Self Registering your Agency 

To register your funded Agency to use the Vulnerable Persons Registers (VPR):

1) Access the VPR (http://vpr.crisisworks.com)

2) On the login page, click the "register for an agency account" link.


3) Read the policy outline and push the "Begin Registration" button


4) Complete the Agency details in the Agency Registration form.  Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.  This will include

  1. Agency Name

  2. Email Address - this is the general email address for your organisation.

  3. Website Address - optional web address which is displayed on the profile page of your agency

  4. Summary of Services - optional blurb which is displayed on the profile page of the agency and is useful  as a briefing for those accessing the system on the role of the agency

  5. Phone Number - displayed on the profile page of the agency andmay be used by those accessing the system to contact the agency directly

  6. Administering Local Government - nominate the primary LGA that your agency is headquartered in.  This council will be responsible for supporting this agency's VPR account (password administration etc)


5) Complete the Agency Coordinator section, and the optional Additional Agency Coordinator.  It is mandatory to nominate at least one Agency Coordinator.  

6) It is optional to nominate emergency contacts for the agency.

7) Push the "Register" button

8) Wait - your agency will require to be approved by a VPR Coordinator at your nominated local council.  You will receive a confirmation of your registration, including an email (sample below) which is sent to your nominated Agency contact email address.

How to find out who your VPR coordinator is for support 

For help and support you should first contact your VPR coordinator, this is normally the original (LGA) local government Council that approved your agency registration, even if your agency spans many LGAs now.

  1. Goto https://vpr.crisisworks.com

  2. Select "Feedback & Support" from the top RHS corner

  3. On the next screen, enter your email address and press search

    • Even if you don't have an account, it will use your email domain name to find your LGA


Adding Clients to the Vulnerable Persons Register

There are two main ways to add new clients to the Vulnerable Persons Register:

  1. The "New Client" button which appears on the top right of the screen throughout the Vulnerable Persons Register

  2. The "Add" button which appears at the bottom of the datagrid on the "Vulnerable Persons" board

Show Address: If the address does not appear in the search results, try using an abbreviated road type (e.g., RD for Road, ST for Street, CR for Crescent, CT for Court, DR for Drive, PL for Place)

Existing Client Check

As clients should only be added into the system once, when adding clients, the system will check to see if any existing records match.  This is done via a combination of the name, details and location.

In the event that your record closely matches existing records, you will be asked to select the closest match.  It is very important to check the details to ensure that they match an
that you are selecting the same person.



Confirming you have consent

If you are adding a new client record, you must have consent before the record can be added. To confirm you have obtained the signed consent form, tick the box.



Entering Client Details

The next step is to edit the record, which allows you to complete the new vulnerable person record. Please consult the Protocols for a description on the fields, along with your requirements relating to the management of the new record.


To save your edits, click Verify Client at the bottom of the form.


Viewing the Clients List

To view a list of clients;

Navigate to the Vulnerable Persons board (click on "Vulnerable Persons" in the main menu).

The list of clients that you can see will be based on your level of access.

You can use the filters and column sorting to refine the list of clients.

Record Status

There are two statuses for clients

  1. Unverified - meaning that the accuracy of the record is uncertain

  2. Verified - the record has been checked for accuracy by the agency


Viewing a Client Record

To view a client record, click on the ID or title wherever it appears in the VPR (for example, the client's list, dashboard etc).

The View Client screen will appear in read-only mode, with the details of the client including:

  • Location (map) displaying the client's current address

  • The client's Name, Date of Birth and Gender

  • Contact details for the client

  • Emergency Contacts

  • Special Needs

  • Managing Agencies


Editing a Client Record

Clients can only be edited from the client view screen.

To edit a client:

1) Navigate to the client (ie from the Vulnerable Persons screen)


2) On the Client profile screen, press the "Edit" button.


Edit rights are controlled by permissions:

  • Primary Agencies - may update the record as they have primary responsibility for the client

  • Secondary Agencies - may only update the Agency Reference.  This is an internal code for the client that is specific to each managing agency, which can help you to reconcile your data in your client management database against the VPR.

A message prompt will display to inform you which type of access you have to the client record after you click the Edit button.


As a primary agency, the edit client record screen allows editing of most fields including:

  • Name, Gender and Date of Birth

  • Contact details

  • Address - enter an address into the Address field to locate on the map using the "Show Address" button

  • Agency Reference

  • Status - Verified/Unverified

  • Emergency Contacts - Name, Phone, Mobile, Relationship to client

  • Special Needs - a series of checks including sections detailing Mobility; Equipment; Access & Security; Communications & Cognitive and an area for additional notes

  • Consent Form - You can upload and attach a consent form. Note that only the consent of the Primary Agency will be visible to a VPR Coordinator, therefore it is best for the Primary Agency to upload these.


3) Fill in the electronic form and push the "Update" button


Revalidating Clients

Clients require re-verification from time to time in order to ensure the data is kept accurate. This process will typically be required twice a year and typically occurs in  April and October.

The VPR System will tell Agency Users when clients require re-verification, by setting the status of the client record to Revalidateand by sending an email to the Agency Coordinators. When this occurs, the agency must update the record with current data and then Verify the client record.


To revalidate a client:

1) If your Agency has clients requiring revalidation, you will see a message at the top of this screen and see clients with the status REVALIDATE. 

Navigate to the client that requires revalidation.


2) On the Client profile screen, press the "Edit" button.

3) Review the client's details and ensure all information is up to date and correct. Then complete the process by clicking on the 'Verify Client' button

4) Your client has now been revalidated and has a VERIFIED status.

Removing a client

Removing has two meanings in the VPR:

  1. This client is still vulnerable but is no longer receiving services from your agency. Here you are removing the relationship between you and the client. This is known as "unlinking".

  2. This client is no longer vulnerable. Here removing a client will remove it from the system altogether.

To remove a client when the client is no longer vulnerable 

1) Navigate to the Client screen and click Edit.


2) At the bottom of the form, click Remove.


3) Depending on your relationship with the client, the removal screen will offer different options. As a Primary Agency, who wishes to remove the Client from the VPR, as they are no longer vulnerable, select the second option as shown below.


4) Selecting this option will result in a number of removal reasons to appear. You must select a removal reason and then acknowledge(tick) the confirmation statement.


5) Click "Remove from Register" to process the removal request.


Changing which agency is the Primary Agency 

When multiple agencies have a relationship with a client, it is possible for agencies to change which agency is the Primary Agency.

If you are the Primary Agency:

  • View the client record

  • Click Edit Client

  • Click Remove

  • Select the reason "This client is still vulnerable but is no longer receiving services from this agency"

  • You can then select the secondary agency that should become the primary

  • Click Submit to finish.

All agencies and the VPR Coordinator will be notified of the change.

If you are a Secondary Agency:

  • Contact the Primary Agency or the VPR Coordinator to have the client reassigned to you.

Transferring the Clients Agency 

When a client only has one agency, if you wish to transfer them to another Agency it is similar to the previous section (on changing the primary agency).

We recommend this process:

  1. Ask the New agency to add the same client to their VPR list. (This will add the client as a secondary agency for them)

  2. Wait until this is done. You know it has been done if you can see the secondary agency listed.

  3. Have the original agency remove this client after this is done. (This will automatically promote the secondary agency to become the primary agency)

Doing it in this order will insure that the client is always on the VPR list at all times.


If you are the Primary Agency:

  • View the client record

  • Click Edit Client

  • Click Remove

  • Select the reason "This client is still vulnerable but is no longer receiving services from this agency"

  • You can then select the secondary agency that should become the primary

  • Click Submit to finish.


Agency Coordinators

Agency Coordinators are nominated by VPR Coordinators and have permission to perform the following additional functions.

Edit My Agency

To edit your agency details:

  1. Sign in as an Agency Coordinator.

  2. Navigate to "My Agency" in the main menu.

  3. Push the "Edit Agency button.

  4. Make changes as required (note this is how you change your Agency's name as the administering LGA if needed).

  5. Push the "Update" button.


Adding Agency Users

  1. Sign in as an Agency Coordinator

  2. There are two ways to add new users, both essentially do the same


    1. On the "My Agency" tab push the "Manage Users button (this effectively does the same as option 2)

    2. Visit the "Users" tab

3. On the Users tab, click "Add Agency User"

4. Complete the "Create New User" form


    1. Email - Contact email for a new user (used to send an invitation and as their username)

    2. Agency - this shows your agency and cannot be changed

    3. This user is the agency emergency contact - tick if this is a nominated emergency contact (there can be more than one emergency contact for your agency)

    4. This user is a coordinator - grants coordinator access rights to the user

    5. Push the Submit button


Removing Agency Users

To mark an Agency User as removed in the VPR:

  1. Sign in as an Agency Coordinator

  2. Click on the "Users" tab

  3. Select and edit the Agency User you wish to remove

  4. Select 'Edit Profile

  5. Click on the 'Delete' button at the bottom of the page

Granting Agency Coordinator access privileges

To make an Agency User that is not currently an Agency Coordinator an Agency Coordinator:

  1. Click on the user's name (in the Users list, Dashboard etc).

  2. Edit the user's profile.

  3. Select the "Roles & Security" tab.

  4. Tick the checkbox labelled "This user is a coordinator".

  5. Push the "Update" button.





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