Code optimisations make data fetching vastly faster for many key operations such as loading the data grids, searching assets and other activities where there are lots of records involved.
Merging two or more items now correctly merges all comments added against those items, into the resulting item. The item merge facility has also been added to the information register.
Asset contacts now support regions. Asset contacts, which are used for mail merging infringement notices among other things, now support sites that use regions. When importing asset contacts, your default region will be used if you set “auto” in the import form.
Users are in the global contact system by default. Users that are imported will now default to being in the global contact list, unless you provide an import column in your CSV file to override that behaviour.
The Emergency Sample event template has been updated to include additional positions to make creating new events on this template easier.
All Crisisworks sites are now discoverable via a Google search. This helps users that search for the Crisisworks works from within the search bar rather than the address bar to find their site.
Background tasks such as data imports can be re-processed even if they were successful. This allows for asset contact imports to be re-run after a Vicmap import, which is required to map contacts to newly added properties.
User location data gathered during mobile operations is now securely deleted after 1 day
An audit of customers using both properties and parcels has found ways to remove duplication for these customers.
The FPN module has an increased resolution for attached photos.
UnitingCare: Added reports and an export feature for CR Common and CR Common Services.
The import system now provides more detailed error messages for any failures.
The import rule for the infrastructure assessment module now includes the missing asset type and damage level fields.
We hope that you enjoy this release, and please let us know if you have any questions or issues.