Please read the general Importing Data into Crisisworks instructions before proceeding with Please read the general Importing Data into Crisisworks instructions before proceeding with importing Recovery Cases.
Importing Recovery Cases
From the "What do you want to import?" drop down list on the Import Form, select the the Cases option and click on the Next button.
You will then be presented with a list of import options associated with Cases. Choose the Recovery Case Import option.
You will need to upload a file in CSV format with a list of Recovery Cases to import.
To import changes to existing cases, it may be easier to export them to a report first by selecting the appropriate cases in the Recovery Case datagrid and clicking Export to Report. Once the report has been run, you can then click the "To CSV" button. This will generate a CSV file that is compatible with the import system. Make any necessary changes to the records in the CSV file, save it and choose this file to import.
Alternatively, if you don't specify an Applicant Contact ID in your input file, a new applicant will be created for the case.
Warning |
Please note: imports cannot be undone once they are imported. However, you can specify an optional tag to add to each record so you can identify all imported records. |
CSV File Format
The following CSV fields & rules are needed for the import to work.
Tip |
Download the the Recovery Case sample CSV import file |
Below is a list of CSV fields that should be added to your CSV file. The Field column displays what the headings
can be in your CSV file.
Field | Description |
Case ID | Relates to the ID field for a Recovery Case record. If specified, it will attempt to find a match and if one is found it will update the case. |
Asset | Sets the Asset to a property by matching on either code or address. You can enter either the code or the asset address into this field. |
Applicant Contact ID | The Crisisworks ID of an existing applicant. You only need to specify this to update an existing applicant. |
Family name of the applicant
Applicant Contact Type | Set to individual or organisation. |
Applicant Family Name | Family name of the applicant |
Applicant Given Names | Given names of the applicant |
Applicant Age | Age of the applicant (numbers only) |
Applicant Gender | Set to M, F or O |
Applicant Organisation Name | The applicant's organisation if the applicant is an organisation |
Applicant Position | The applicant's position in the organisation |
Applicant Phone | The applicant's phone number |
Applicant Mobile | The applicant's mobile phone number |
Applicant Email | The applicant's email address |
Applicant Language | The applicant's language if an interpreter is required |
Applicant Preferred Method of Contact | Set to either Phone, Email, Post or None. |
Applicant Postal Type | Set to either Case, Other or Temporary |
Applicant Postal Street | The applicant's postal street (if the postal type is set to Other) |
Applicant Postal Town | The applicant's postal suburb/town (if the postal type is set to Other) |
Applicant Postal State | The applicant's postal state (if the postal type is set to Other) |
Applicant Postal Postcode | The applicant's postal postcode (if the postal type is set to Other) |
Applicant Postal Country | The applicant's postal country (if the postal type is set to Other) |
Is Applicant Attending Relief Centre? | Is the contact currently attending a relief centre. This must be set to Yes or No. |
Relief Centre | This is based on the relief centres entered into your Crisisworks. Enter the label of the lookup. Note, for this field to be set, the attending Relief Centre field needs to be set to Yes. |
Does Applicant Have a Temporary Address? | Set to Yes or No |
Temporary Address Street | The applicant's temporary street. Note for this field to be set, the hasTemporaryAddress field needs to be set to Yes. |
Temporary Address Town | The applicant's temporary town. Note for this field to be set, the hasTemporaryAddress field needs to be set to Yes. |
Temporary Address State | The applicant's temporary state. Note for this field to be set, the |
hasTemporaryAddress field needs to be set to Yes. |
Temporary Address |
Postcode | The applicant's temporary postcode. Note for this field to be set, the hasTemporaryAddress field needs to be set to Yes. |
Temporary Address |
Country | The applicant's temporary |
country. Note for this field to be set, the hasTemporaryAddress field needs to be set to Yes. |
Temporary Address |
Notes | Any notes regarding the applicant's temporary |
address. Note for this field to be set, the hasTemporaryAddress field needs to be set to Yes. |
Case Sharing Level | Whether the applicant consents to sharing their personal information. Set to either Full, None or NotYetAsked. Will default to None. |
Fixed Home Address | Set the option indicating the applicant has an affected property in the municipality. Set to either Yes or No. |
Case Property Details | Enter any property details if required. This is a free text description field. |
Property Use Residential | Is the property use a residence? This can be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use Residential Primary | Is the property use a primary place of residence? This can be set to Yes or No |
Property Use Residential Secondary | Is the property use a secondary residence? This can be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use Residential Unclassified | Is the property use a residence but it is unsure if it is a primary or secondary residence? This can be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use Commercial | Is the property use commercial, industrial or business? This must be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use Accommodation | Is the property use for accommodation/B&B? This must be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use Farm | Is the property use for farming? This must be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use Community | Is the property use a community facility? This must be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use |
Government | Is the property use a |
government building? This |
must be set to |
Yes or No. |
Property Use |
Vacant | Is the property use |
vacant land? This |
must be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use |
Infrastructure | Is the property use |
for infrastructure? This |
must be set to Yes or No. |
Property Use |
Other | Is the property use |
for another type? This must be set to Yes or |
No. | |
Property Use Other Type | If you selected Property Use Other, supply the other property type (this is a text field) |
Applicant Relationship to Property | This is based on the Case Relationship to Property entered into your Crisisworks. Enter the label of the lookup. |
Property |
Insured | Is the property |
insured? Enter Yes, No or Unknown. | |
Case Insurance | If Property Insured is set to Yes, these are the insurance details |
Cost Estimate | The total estimated cost of all services to be provided. |
Case Property Damage | Set to Yes if there is property damage. This field must be set to Yes to add a Private Asset. |
Damage Summary | Optional text description of the damage |
Special Case Notes | Enter any special case notes. This is a free text description field. |
Case Officer | Enter the case officer's name. Note - the user needs to be on duty in the event. |
Field Officer | Enter the field officer's name. Note - the user needs to be on duty in the event. |
Tags | A single tag for the item |
Case External ID | An optional external Id used to identify the record in a separate system. This external Id can be used for matching records for importing into Crisisworks if necessary. |
Referral Date | Set the referral date. The date should be in the format of dd-mm-YYYY |
Case Status | Status will default to OPEN. Enter either Open, Review or Inspection Required |
Case Priority | Priority defaults to Normal. Enter either Low, Normal, High or Urgent |
Task ID | The recovery task ID, if updating an existing record. Leave blank if new. |
Task Category | The service task category (must match a lookup value of the same name) |
Task Details | Free text details of the task |
Task Priority | The priority of the task (number 1 = Low through to 4 = Urgent) |
Task Assigned Service Provider | The name of the service provider (resource) assigned to the task |
Task Cost Estimate | The value of the service provision |
Task Reference | A reference for the task |
Task Tag | An optional tag for the recovery task record. |
Task External ID | An optional external ID used to identify the record in a separate system. This external Id can be used for matching records for |
importing into Crisisworks if necessary. | |
Task Status | The status of the task (1 = Requested, 2 = In Progress, -2 = Provided, -3 = Not Required). Defaults to Requested is not set. |
Task Due Date | Set the next action date. The date should be in the format of dd-mm-YYYY |