Importing Resources into Crisisworks

Importing Resources into Crisisworks

Please read the general Importing Data into Crisisworks instructions before proceeding with Importing Resources.

Importing Resources

The resource import feature allows you to update existing resources or add new ones.

If you want to update existing resources, the best way to do this is to first run the Resources report and export it to CSV.

Run Resources Report

To run the Resources report go to the top left Overview menu. Then choose Reports. On the left hand side choose Resource Reports. Clicking on this will show the Resources Report.


Run this report and once it’s completed click the To CSV button at the bottom of the report This will give you a spreadsheet with the resources data and the field names needed to import your resources.

You can update any existing resources in the spreadsheet or you can remove them if you don’t need to update them. You can also add any new resources to the bottom of the spreadsheet. For new resources leave the “id” field blank.

Importing Resources

From the "What do you want to import?" drop down list on the Import Form, select the Resources option and click on the Next button.


Choose the Resource Import option on the next screen and click the Next button.

On the next screen you can then upload your CSV file. Most of the other options can be left as their default values. Any matching resources will be updated. If no match is found, a new resource will be created.

Click on the Import button to start the import process.


CSV File Format

The following CSV fields & rules are needed for the import to work.