FCMS: Importing Import Car Park Assets

Currently, Datalink is updating FCMS with Car Park asset data when provide by the customer.

The current process (assuming a full list of Car Park asset is provided) is to inactive current assets (and geowiki items) and import the entire set afresh.

Step 1 - Mark existing car park assets as inactive.

This is not as simple as targeting all active assets of a certain type, as Car Park assets are imported via geo wiki import and share the asset type with other facilties. In production there is only one such asset, Redfern Office, however before embarking on this process it is best to ensure that there are no others to consider.

To check run

select * from asset where type = 'Transit_Asset_Register_Item' and status > 0 and friendly LIKE '%Office%' order by friendly;

Note: There is an asset called Redfern Office Car Park which is a valid car park.


To make all existing car park assets inactive, run, for example

UPDATE asset SET status = -1 WHERE type = 'Transit_Asset_Register_Item' AND status > 0 AND friendly != 'Redfern Office'


Step 2 - Mark the exisiting Geo Wiki items as inactive

Identify the wiki items to target.

For example

select id from register_item where registerid = 'wiki' and itemschemaname = 'geofeature' and status >0 and id not in (162871);

Note: 162871 is to exclude the Redfern Office wiki doc. However you will need to review the list to ensure that there are not any other items to exclude.

Once you have a list of id’s run the following command(with ids to target) on management01:


Step 3 - Import Data

The import process uses the Car Park and Facility Import option available in the UI, currently using the CW4 UI. Go to https://fcms.crisisworks.com and then select the Import menu option.


From the import screen…

and allows for the following


Import with this options