Crisisworks 4.11.21 released

Crisisworks 4.11.21 released

21 December 2017 — 22 December 2017

This festive release contains a number of improvements to improve application functionality, and is being released to all customers in a staged manner.


  • The activity feed now records email addresses and mobile numbers that were sent published messages (such as SitReps).
  • If any email or SMS delivery fails during the initial transmission, this will be highlighted in the audit log and it will not block the successful delivery to other recipients. 
  • Various improvements to the finance recovery reports have been made


  • Fixed activity log incorrectly showing file thumbnails for activities where the files were deleted
  • Fixed activity log sometimes incorrectly summarising an activity as being from 2 items where only 1 item was being updated
  • Updated the user profile form to clarify the behaviour of the "Send as email", "Send as SMS" and "On Call" checkboxes
  • Fixed Cardinia FPN cascade rule
  • Fixed issue with "Cost Estimate" sometimes not appearing on the infrastructure assessments data grid
  • Fixed incorrect calculation of summarised costs and counts on the infrastructure assessment summary report, where multiple events are involved
  • Fixed broken roster export button, which was broken for some installations
  • Fixed contact imports requiring a "lastName" field where the register itself does not require that field

This will likely be our last release in 2017 and we hope you enjoy it!