Crisisworks 4.1.4 released
Crisisworks 4.1.4 released
This release includes the following bug fixes and updates:
- Addition of basic Report building to the Bootstrap
- Fix to issue where the Log Item form on the Dash was defaulting to the Global Event rather that the default one.
- Remove spinning icon (where the New Register Item buttons normally are) when in All Events.
- Update to the label of the "Additional Notes" field on the Recovery form to "Special Case Notes"
- Update to CouncilVic bootstrap to add new Security Policy and the assocaited Position "Recovery Read Only".
- Fixed issue with the Affected Property Field set not show if the field "Does the applicant have interest in a property within the municipality?" was set to false.
- Added a new Property Type option for the Recovery Case Register Form.
- Fixed issue where the thumbnail images were not displaying when printing from the Register Item View.
- The addition of a Status field to the Affected Animals (Livestock) register form.
- The addition of a script to move duplicate Recovery Case sub register items created on some sites to a 'Duplicate' state
- Move Tag Field in FPN register back to the Metadata fieldset (i.e. to RHS of the form)
- Fix to error for enabling notification in the Request and Message registers
- Add extra options to the Property Type field in Recovery Case. These are 'Residential Primary' and 'Residential Secondary'
- Added a new field called "Case Details" to the Recovery Case register.
- Add ph and email field to Related People subform (affectedPeople)
- Add due date to Immediate Need Register
- Add status and due date to Required Services subform (immediateNeed)
- Update the layout of fields in immediateNeed register (Services Required)
- Add due date and date updated to the datagrid of the immediateNeed register (Services Required)
- Removed the order able flag from the Category heading in the immediateNeed register (Services Required) as it can not be ordered as it is virtual
- Added a new state (mean for internal use), called "Duplicate" to all recovery related registers in preparation for cleaning up duplicate date.