Crisisworks 4.0.126 released
Crisisworks 4.0.126 released
This is a roll-up release of the configuration and form changes from the unreleased 4.0.121 - 4.0.124 release candidates delivered to limited customers, and this has been released to all customers.
- Added grant as a type of service required, along with fields for grant type and grant amount
- Changed the format of the Manage Positions screen to be an EOC duty roster. It now shows On Duty personnel rather than Appointees, and has hyperlinks to the user register for each position to allow searching on competent users.
- Added missing blue icons for the main icons in use (more to come)
- Offer register workflow is now AVAILABLE <> UNAVAILABLE <> IN USE <> REVIEW <> CLOSED
- Removed required fields from recovery form to work around client-side bugs with some app versions in production
- Environmental Health register workflow is now: INSPECTION REQUIRED (yellow) and INSPECTION COMPLETED (blue), with colours aiding mobile inspections.
- Recovery Case workflow is now: NEW > OPEN <> INSPECT <> RESOLVED <> CLOSED
- Linked the Environmental Health register as a subform of Recovery Case for easier field entry
- Added status and assignment to the Environmental Health form
- EHA now has a media field to collect photos, video, audio
- EHA form now shows on mobile menu
- Recovery Case allows no applicant to be specified
- Recovery Case presets ‘share my details’ to none
- Added parcels and properties as independent asset types
- Vicmap Importer now handles separate imports of parcels and properties
- Fixes the counter issue introduced within the 4.0.121+ hotfixes.
- Restored the state control centre feeds to the map (corrected errors introduced by SCC data format changes without notice)
, multiple selections available,