Crisisworks 4.0.119 released

Crisisworks 4.0.119 released

This release contains a number of improvements to application stability and functionality and has been released to all customers.

  • Improved: Added additional mime types to support more document types for uploading into register items. This allows all common Microsoft Office document formats to be supported.
  • Fixed: crash when sorting by applicant name (column sorting not supported on that column)
  • Improved: Audit log history now shows all positions the user was on duty for when the action occurred
  • Fixed: Removed access to additional registers such as infrastructure assessment, weeds, fpn, etc unless licensed.
  • Improved: Updated user signon agreement
  • Improved: audit message when going on/off duty now includes the event name
  • Improved (T#1618): FPN workflow improvement, additional allowed state "Notice Withdrawn” to "Request Compulsory Clearing” state and “Compliance inspection required” to “Temporary Exemption Granted"
  • Fixed: broken forgot-password link after two unsuccessful login attempts.