To: {$item.Asset.ratepayerName}




Property Number: {$item.Asset.code}

An inspection of your property at {$item.Asset.number} {$item.Asset.street} {$item.Asset.streetType}, {$item.Asset.suburb}, conducted on {$MERGE_DATETIME} revealed that you have, in the opinion of an authorised officer of the Council, committed a breach of clause 54 of Council’s Local Law No. 17 by having your property in a state that is deemed to be a fire hazard.


  1. Fire prevention and fire hazards 54. An owner or occupier of any land must not allow:

54.1 any land (including a building on the land), or

54.2 the adjacent half width of any private street that abuts that land that by its nature, composition, condition or location constitutes or may constitute a danger to life or property from the threat of fire.

Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units

To remedy the breach, you must do the following no later than 5pm on {$IN_TWO_WEEKS} :

If you fail to comply with this Notice you may be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of $200.00 per offence.

If you do not understand this notice to comply, you should seek independent legal advice immediately.


Name of Authorised Officer: {$ASSIGNEE_NAME}


Signature of Authorised Officer:



{if $inspectionPhotos}


{foreach from=$inspectionPhotos item="inspectionPhoto"}

<img src="{$inspectionPhoto}" />

